Chetta D, is a multimedia artist who is visually impaired. By using her gifts ( photography, writing, poetry & video ) she's better able to connect & minister to others. " I found myself ministering to young women, them taking a strong liking to me as if I were their big sister. After much prayer it was laid on my heart to create a platform where I could reach out to more young women. "
Being inspired by her relationships she decided to start blogging, creating spiritual and inspirational content to her younger self. For young women today who may need a sister, mentor or simply a friend in Christ. " I decided to write to my younger self ( 10 - 15 years ago ) what did I need at that age, how can I help her now ? "
Given the gifts in art she uses it to her advantage to encourage and share testimonies of the goodness of God.
She received her B.A. at Bennett College for Women in Journalism & Media studies, she is currently an MFA candidate at Savannah College of Art & Design ( SCAD ), studying photography.
For over a decade she's known about her degenerating eye disease. She chooses to remain optimistic with whats left of her sight. As Paul talked about the thorn in his flesh and God being his strength in his weakness, Chetta too can relate & lives by this daily to keep striving !
" God is good all of the time - correction ALLLL of the time, you just have to learn to trust him even when you don't understand. "
I am a spoken word and visual artist that has low vision. as a creative
....nickmed creative genius was inspired by gods awesomeness. as a spiritual believer and daughter of christ carrying the name genius is from my father.
embracing my low vision by creatively transforming my white cane to illustrate my uniqueness and educate the purpose of the cane.
As both a visionary artist and visual storyteller Chetta uses video, spoken word, photography and installation to illustrate. She received her MFA in photography from the Savannah College of Art & Design.
Her movement #BeautyUnveiling bridges the gap between the visually impaired and sighted community by creatively bringing awareness to sight loss through art.
s a visually impaired artist. Being classified as low vision due to a degenerative eye diease. despite odds against her she still continues to love life to the fullest by fulling her purpose and enjoying it day by day.
i once thought there was no life after sight, i obnce feared it and prepared for it but i was just wasting time and missing out on being a blessing to someone by not sharing my story. if that day is to come i'll just write it as my next chapter in life. there is no stopping me, she says smiling. with god on my side all is possible, i just dont recite scripotures i live it so therefor im a witness.
god has gifted me / her in such a unique way that if her sight was to leave she could still funtion without it. god knows everything there is no syurpisre to ho him. he once told me there is no reason that you should ever be stuck or broke, i gave/ gifted you everything youll need to help you out of any situation youre in. thats when i understood that your gifts will make room for you.
nchetta also known as Chetta has been
Chetta is a graduate from Bennett College for women receiving her Bachelor of Arts in journalism & edit studies.
I’ve been writing since my early elementary days, she days reminiscing. Going to college was a choice made by default – earlier in her senior year she discovered she had a degenerating eye disease that could lead to total blindness. I figured when majoring in college I’d do something that I’ve always been passionate about writing. Her experience in college has allowed her to express herself artistically both through writing & production.
Chetta is currently a grad student can idt are seeking her degree in Masters of fine art photography
I’ve grown up with the mind frame I can anything I put my mind too so though my vision is limited – the only limits placed on me are the ones I place on self.
Being such a spiritual person I live my life as an open bible & expressing all through my talents.